Accelerating Climate Adaptions for Somalia

WHy attend MTS2023?

Mogadishu Tech Summit is the premier event for everything is cool, tech, innovation, entrepreneurship, investment, digital, networking and building partnership. It’s where you meet your future investor, co-founder and co-creator.

You have many reasons to attend MTS2023!
It’s the platform that links you to Somali tech entrepreneurs, disruptors and tech geeks. We bring together more than five thousand participants — from IT engineers at IBM, data scientists at Google to food-delivery startups in Mogadishu. It’s the place that you won’t miss.

Climate change is not coming; it is already here. Reducing carbon emissions is no longer enough to halt the impacts of climate change and many countries, including Somalia, are realizing it's time to start adapting to a warming world. It is time for Somalia to prepare for and adjust to both the current effects of climate change the predicted impacts in the future.






Startups Pitched


Partners & Sponsors




investment Raised

#MTS2021 speakers

Here we have a wonderful set of people from previous speakers of Mogadishu Tech Summit #2021

Wanna become this years speakers register here.

Ygor Scarcia

UNIDO Somali Representative

Khalid Hashi

OGOW Health

Jakob Werner

CEO of Catch

Khalif Abdi Omar

Ministry of Industry and Trade

H.E Hamza Said Hama

Former Minster Of Youth & Sports

Mr. Osman Ali Halane

CEO of Dahabshil bank.

Mr. Abdullah Ahmed

IBS Bank

Amb. Gamal Hassan

Former Minister of Planning FGS

MTS Sponsors

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