

All timings are in the East African Time (EAT)

In Somalia, where conflict and instability meet the hazards of natural disasters caused by a rapidly changing climate, all of us are on the frontline of climate change. Somalia is no stranger to climate extremes: severe droughts, flash flooding, erratic rainfall, rising temperatures, cyclones, locusts – Somalia experiences them all. However, trends indicate that Somalia has warmed faster than the global average. Its alternating droughts and floods have intensified, putting more households at risk. Climate change is among the drivers of migration in Somalia due to climate pressures on resources, mainly water and pasture. In a country where 60% of the population live in rural areas as nomadic or semi nomadic pastoralists, and agricultural activities account for 65% of the GDP, climate change poses a severe threat to people’s livelihoods and way of life.

Despite the very real challenges of climate change, opportunities abound in agriculture, food security, and the oceans for ambitious young entrepreneurs to help address some of Somalia’s greatest challenges. Somalia has considerable productive resources, offering a huge potential for delivering rapid economic growth, with important impacts on people’s livelihoods. Somalia has 8.5 million hectares of arable land, more than 50 million livestock and 1.8 million tons of fish for export annually – clearly both the green and blue economies remain key to Somalia’s economic growth and poverty reduction. For these entrepreneurs, technology is an enabler that can cut across agriculture, climate change, and all other sectors that will drive the economy forward for the country. Somalia’s current climate mitigation efforts are win-win, helping support economic growth while boosting health, energy access, and environmental outcomes into the future. They also signal to the world the urgent need for bold climate action.

Climate change is not coming; it is already here. Reducing carbon emissions is no longer enough to halt the impacts of climate change and many countries, including Somalia, are realizing it's time to start adapting to a warming world. It is time for Somalia to prepare for and adjust to both the current effects of climate change the predicted impacts in the future.

Keynote speakers: (TBC)

Khadar Ismail
MTS Director
Ygor Scarcia
UNIDO Somali Representative
H.E Fowzia
Minister of Health
H.E Hamza Said Hama
Minster of Youth & Sports
H.E Khalif Omar
Minister of Commerce and Industry
H.E Osman Dubbe
Minister of Information and Culture
H.E Mohamed Hussein Roble
Prime Minister


Dr Abdirizak Yusuf Hirabe

Director of De Martini Hospital

Panel speakers: (TBC)

H.E Fowzia
Minister of Health
Mohamed Abdi Ogle
Minister of Health Jubaland State
Mohmed Addow
Director of health at BRA
Dr. Mohamed Mohamud Fuji
Abdullahi Osman
Hormuud Salaam Foundation
Dr. Abdirizak Yusuf Jalaludin

Panel Discussion:

Preparing Our Health System for a Better Tomorrow.

The COVID19 pandemic has further crippled health system in Somalia that is already wrestling with numerous challenges. This panel will explore discussions and solutions that can improve and better prepare our health infrastructure through innovative policies and tech-enabled system that can pave the way for a better health care system for Somalia.

Following are questions that can guide this panel:

 How does your organization/institution cope with COVID19?
 What are the main challenges the health sector is facing today?
 What are your institutions (ministyr, BRA, organization) doing to prepare for better health tomorrow?
 How do you include innovation and health in your planning, policies?
 What technologies are you using?
 What solutions or support do you need


Mohamed Shiine

Break – Lunch and Prayer

Presentation:Adopting HMIS for better health access –

Mr Hassan MOH

Panel speakers: (TBC)

Khalid Hashi
OGOW Health
Sahra Cafi
Hello! Caafi
Dr Suleyman
Director of Kalkaal Hospital
Mohamed Ahmed Antobo
Director General of Social Services BRA
Dr Ibahim Gulled
general Secretary of Medical Asso.

Panel Discussion:

Driving Innovation in Somalia’s Health Ecosystem

This panel discusses with frontline fighters who rescued and saved many lives during the earlier days of the pandemic. The panel brings together critical voices and draws their experiences, reflections to prepare for another pandemic and how to invest in health infrastructure in real time.

Keynote speakers: (TBC)

Mr. Mohamed Abdulkadir Adow
Deputy Director of iRise Hub
Omar Filish
Mayor of Mogadishu
H.E Abdiwahab Ugaas
Minister of Labour and Social Affairs
Abdulahi Abukar
Minister of Education and Higher Education
(Topic needed) Said Gulled GPE Coordinator

Adow TBC

Panel speakers: (TBC)

Abdulahi Abukar
Minister of Education and Higher Education
H.E Mohamed Dore
Minister of Education Galmudug
Mr. Dahir Arab
Rector of Simad University
Mrs. Faiza Mohamed
Bar ama Baro Project
Bashir Owdini
Salaam International University
Mr. Abdirahman Abdullahi

Redefining Our Education System

The learning and education is evolving with innovation and technology playing a disruptive role. Today, our education system is recovering from prolonged conflict and and systemic failures.  The pandemic has further hampered our learning institutions, classrooms and our basic education. This session will have explore how we can prepare our learning system for a better tomorrow. It will focus on the changing landscape and focus on increasing accessibility of teaching materials and role EdTech can play in the age of global pandemic.

 How does your organization/institution cope with COVID19?
 What are the main challenges the education sector is facing today?
 What are your institutions (ministyr, BRA, organization) doing to prepare a quality education for future generations?
 How do you include innovation and technology in the development of the education sector?
 What technologies/innovations are being used now? Mention examples?
 What solutions or support do you need?

Presentation: Qalam Platform

Mr. Abdirizak Hashi

Panel speakers: (TBC)

Mohamed Shirdoon
Puntland Ministry of Education
Ahmed Mahmed Farah
Education Cannot Wait
Suad Ali
Educaiton experts
Ali Denis Chivasti
Cofounder of Waccy Pay LTD
Eng Farah Abdikarim
Khadar Hared

Panel 2: Innovations in Education – Digitalization and Deep Dive

Understanding the dynamics of school dropout has been a longstanding challenge across the world. In 2019, a pilot began in Puntland that contextualized a innovative solution developed by UNICEF and the University of Nairobi in Kenya. This system is now scaling across Publand together with the Puntland Ministry of Education, World Vision, Save the Children, Care, SIDRA and the Education Cannot Wait (ECW) consortium. This session will give an overview of this solution, provide insights on what it takes to drive innovation forward, how to scale solutions through partnerships, and how to work towards lasting and sustainable solutions that can lead to positive outcomes

Presentation: Fintech

Abdishakur Shidane

Q&A session

Keynote speakers: (TBC)

Mr. Abdihakim Ainte
CEO, iRise Hub
Dr. Ali Isse Abdi
Director of National Economy Council
Abdirahman M. Abdullahi
Governor of Central Bank
H.E Per Lingerd
Swedish Ambassador
Amb. Gamal Hassan
Dr Abdirahman Beileh
Minister of Finance
H.E Mahdi Gulled Khadar
Deputy Prime Minister

Resourceful Somalia: Investing Green Economy?

Panel speakers: (TBC)

Mr. Shueyb Mohamed
CEO of Salaam Somali Bank
Mr. Halane
CEO of DahabShiil Couth Central
Mr. Mahad Mohamed
CEO of Iinternational Somali Bank
Mr. Abdirizak Adam
CEO Galaxy International Bank
Mr. Suleyman
Gargaare Company Limited

Panel 1: CEO Roundtable: Investing in Local SMEs and Startup Ecosystem

Mohamed Harare
Mr. Mohamed Dubo
Mr. Damon Bristow
Foreign Commonwealth & Development.
Mr. Jones Tesfu
Pangea Trust
Mr Haakon Svane
Norwegian Embassy
Dr. Ali Isse Abdi
National Economy Council
Khadra Ali
Somali bank Association
Panel 2: The Investment Climate: Is Somalia a Last Frontier?

Somalia government has been pushing numerous investment climate and regulatory reforms to promote and attract private investment capital to compliment the current expenditure budget that doesn’t give much room for investment. This high-level panel will explore the investment landscape in Somalia and whether the country has all the necessary ingredients for capital investment.

Lunch and Prayer


Khalid Hashi
OGOW Health

Closing Ceremony: Khalid Innovation Award

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